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Split's Happening - May 2022

May 2022 | Mental Health Awareness

3 Ways Bowling Can Improve Your Mental Health

May is Mental Health Awareness month. This time each year, organizations across the globe raise awareness about the importance of mental well-being, emphasizing the need to #BreakTheStigma.

One way we would like to help contribute to this conversation is by sharing pieces of information from what we know: bowling!

1. The Power of Team Sport 

Being a part of a team encourages growth and wellbeing in more ways than one. Not only are you challenged physically, but you are motivated to push yourself further through friendly competition and encouraged by your fellow team mates.

Studies have also shown that team sport athletes have more positive experiences with coaching, skill development, and peer support than in individual sports, leading to fewer depressive symptoms in the long run (Pluhar, 2019). 

2. Endorphin Release

Physical exercise gets your blood pumping and stimulates endorphins. When done regularly, this lowers your cortisol levels, improves your mood, and reduces stress, depression and anxiety. 

When bowling, you can burn anywhere between 150-300 calories an hour. Incorporating sports like bowling into your weekly routine can help improve both your physical and mental health, all while having fun. 

3. Social Circles  

Social interaction is essential to every aspect of our health as humans. Research shows that having a strong network of people, or community bond, fosters both emotional and physical health, so having a shared group activity is one of the best ways to make and maintain relationships. 

Remember: recognizing and appreciating the importance of emotional support, quality time, and communication will help you feel happier and healthier in your relationships.

May Mad Libs ? 

Fill in the below and then scroll to the bottom to see your completed Mad Lib Puzzle! 

Adjective: ___________________________________________
Method of Transportation:_______________________________
Adverb: _____________________________________________
Name of Someone You Know: ___________________________
Adjective: ___________________________________________
Number: ____________________________________________
Noun: ______________________________________________
Adjective: ___________________________________________
Celebrity Name: ______________________________________
Exclamatory Phrase: __________________________________
Number: ____________________________________________
Number: ____________________________________________
Adjective: ____________________________________________